When a loved one begins to show signs of dementia, it’s not just a cause for concern to their family; it’s a shocking event. Often, the family will turn a blind eye to the first few signs, not deliberately but because some part of them doesn’t want to believe it’s happening.
As you can imagine, we hear some version of this story frequently as family call or visit us to discuss the care of their loved one and what’s needed, but however familiar it becomes, it’s heartwrenching every time.
Family Support
Caring for a dementia sufferer can take a toll, and it’s important that you get help of your own. Fortunately – especially locally, throughout Devon – you have a lot of options. The county is home to many support groups who can provide aid, advice, and even simply a kindly ear.
They say a burden shared is a burden halved, and Age UK Exeter runs a Budding Friends Dementia Support Service and monthly carers’ group designed to provide mutual support, particularly in the early stages.
Elsewhere you can find advice, support, and some friendship from the team – and visitors – at the Great Torrington Memory Café at Torrington Methodist Church.
A Community that Cares
Much of this is backed by the Devon Dementia Support Service, accessible via the Dementia Roadmap. Backed by the Alzheimer’s Society, they understand the needs not just of dementia patients but also of their families.
We’re glad to be based in a community that recognises dementia’s effect on the whole family, and when you need someone to ease your burden, we’re ready to take it from you as we have for many others.